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Please read these Terms of Use (hereafter “Terms”) carefully. Upon access to this website (hereafter “site”) you declare that you acknowledge the following Terms and legal information in connection with this site (including all elements contained therein). If you are not in agreement with the following Terms, please exit the site and all its pages and refrain from any access to it.

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The information contained on this site serves solely informational purposes. With the exception of the specific offers including prices on, there are no general offers presented on this site.

The information and opinions published on this site do not constitute advice or recommendation on the part of CREALOGIX Holding AG or any of its subsidiary companies (hereafter individually and together “CREALOGIX”). The services described on the site are not directed at or intended for use by persons residing, in any jurisdiction or country in which access to such information is prohibited on the basis of existing law or regulations. Persons to whom such prohibitions would apply on grounds of citizenship must not access the site. The information presented on the site bears descriptive character for CREALOGIX as a whole; it can however be the case that the services described are not available, applicable or appropriate for you.
With the exception of the specific offers including prices on, there are no general offers presented on this site.


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While CREALOGIX makes every effort that the information on this site is accurate at the time of publication, neither CREALOGIX nor its contractual partners can make any explicit or implicit warranty or guarantee (including opposite third parties) regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of information presented. Opinions and other information presented on the site can be changed at any time without prior notice. The publication of opinions or information on this site does not imply that these same opinions or information or the basis for these opinions or information have not changed since their publication.

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